Focus Group Interest List

We are hosting focus groups in Dane County to hear from residents about what matters to you!

Because of an unforeseen level of interest, the zoom registration form may be full. Please complete the interest form below to be added to the zoom waitlist, or to be added to future sessions. We are working to ensure all interested Dane County residents have an opportunity to be heard as part of this process.

Please be aware that the $20 stipend will be mailed to your Dane County address collected during the registration process. To be eligible for the $20 stipend:

  • You must be present for the full hour with your camera on

  • You must have a valid Dane County address

  • You will expected to share your experiences in small, recorded, facilitated groups, so please only register if you can be in a relatively quiet place where you can both hear and be heard

Lastly, to help us approve your registration as quickly as possible, please answer the last 2 questions on the registration form below with as much specificity as possible, and register with a work email if appropriate and possible for you. This helps us ensure that participants are Dane County residents.